What is Storytelling?
History of a unique style
Storytelling…. Before the written word
Storytelling was one of the earliest forms of communication to express history, myths, knowledge, teaching, and entertainment. Storytelling is still an active art form today.

has her own creative style and message.
Monna’s Vision Quest Book Series
Vision Quest is a searching……Searching for dreams…
Searching for personal identity…..Searching for gifts…
Searching for understanding….Searching for true nature….

Judy B Wagnon Coloring Book
The idea for this coloring book was born from a precious event. In 2017 I was editing illustrations for my website. Numerous black and white rough drawings were scattered on the living room table.
My five-year-old granddaughter came to visit. She was everywhere around my home. At one point the house was very quiet. I found her on the floor… coloring the drawings.
“Wow, a coloring book… great idea!”
This book contains original rough sketches of the illustrations from this website. Diverse themes with bold natural and fantasy impressions.
Audio Storytelling
Monna’s Vision Quest Books

From Judy B Wagnon's ...thoughts

Poetry and Prose
Experience my written work.

and Other Original Works
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