About Me
Judy B Wagnon’s desire for writing and storytelling has permeated her life.
Inspiration early in the morning, four o’ clock absorbed in pencil and paper…
Images…stories…compassion…vision…flowing onto the page.
Flexible Professions have allowed the Mother…to release the passion,
imagery, visualization, and Metaphors soulfully reminiscent of Rumi.
Take your Time…Read….Listen…
and Relax.

That interest Judy B Wagnon
Native Prayer
“If I could talk to my Great Grandfathers; I would say,” The old times are gone, so much has changed. But …Love, like the wind, is still here. When all else fades away…Faith, Hope, and Love will remain.”
Those feelings that are so strong so mysterious, will always be with us. I think of you, my relatives, and I Thank You! I Thank You!….”
– Brule

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